Wednesday, February 24, 2010

p and p party

Abe had a pink and purple birthday party. There was a very exclusive guest list, and everyone had to wear pink and/or purple. And we ate pink and purple things. And played with purple balloons. And danced to boogie music. It was fun, except that Sam threw up in the middle, but hey, what's a birthday party without a little drama? And then, the next morning, Abe received THE BAT CAVE of his dreams, and that's what they've been playing with everyday since. He also loved all of his other gifts (play food, tea set, books, etc), but THE BAT CAVE might be his favorite.


hkobeal said...

Oh, wow, Stuart would love to have been invited to this party. Do y'all have Pinkalicious and Purpleicious?? Two of Stuart's favorite books . . .

Christine said...

No, Heather, I will look them up. Thanks!