Wednesday, July 29, 2009

bedtime on Farm St.

Sarah, stars are burning in your eyes

Aunt Sarah came to visit!!!!! We had a lot of fun, doing what Evanses do on vacay, playing games, swimming, going to movies, eating, etc, etc. Maybe Ithaca should be your summer home, Sarah?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

doubling up

Adriane and Christian came to town to visit and introduce Zora to Ithaca. Adriane and I each took a turn with our two little chunks, and let me tell you, they're both chunks--adorable chunks, but chunky nonetheless.

Thanks for the visit, guys. Are you sure you don't want to move back?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

baby eats bananas, licks bowl clean

Warning: This is a boring video. But he is the cutest baby in the world, so that's got to count for something.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Abe's Saturday

Bowling birthday party and ballet class. Oh, and movie night (Babe) later on in the evening. I know Abe looks a little bewildered in the ballet class movie, but he says he really enjoyed it. I had a friend bring an extra pink tutu for him in case the peer pressure became overwhelming, but he was happy just to hop around in his shorts and shirt. Next week the class will be divided, so it won't be quite as chaotic.

you know it's your third baby when...

You ask the waiter to take a picture of you and your friend, and since your baby is not smiling and cooing for the camera, you dangle him off to the side to try to get him out of the picture. And we were there to celebrate the impending birth of Karin's third baby. I hope she wasn't trying to learn anything from me.

Friday, July 17, 2009

adventures in Korean cooking

I *love* Korean food, but I've long been a bit afraid to try making it at home. But Aaron gave me this book for my birthday, and now I'm ready to go. After a trip to our local Korean market, I made ddukbokki yesterday. So easy, so tasty, and also a huge hit with the 5 and under crowd (as tested by Sam, Abe, and three little friends over yesterday). Tonight, another Korean taste test.

not much, just chillin'

Thursday, July 16, 2009

catching up 2

Oh yeah, and we had a mini family reunion! I wish everyone could have been here, but we did our best to have enough fun for everyone who was and wasn't here. There was a little of this, a little of that, some swimming, some canoeing, some hiking, a movie, lots of eating, lots of cousin playing. All the good stuff.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Help my awesome cousin Drew get to Antarctica!!!!

nursing brothers

Sam likes to try to nurse Oscar because he thinks it's funny, and Oscar is willing to play along because he loves Sam.

Monday, July 13, 2009

catching up 1

We've been having so much fun lately I haven't been able to keep up. Lucy came for a playdate, and whew, we had a great time. Ruth was still here, and she pulled a wagon full of kids to the Sciencenter (I accompanied with Oscar). Lucy got Sam to do a craft (no small feat), and then he got her to do karaoke back at the house (not hard--only Abe doesn't like the echo of the microphone). I got a chance to imitate my mom back in the day around town with five children. And now I know how it is. If I thought people looked at me oddly (this could be with amusement, nostalgia, pity, disgust, etc) with three kids in tow, it's even *BETTER* with five. And the comments just don't stop coming.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

stinky bacon

What do four boys (ages 5, 4, 3, and 2) talk about when the lights go out? What gross things to eat for breakfast, of course. Here two-year old Gabe tells you his favorite parts of our reunion this weekend. Especially listen before and after bacon.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

look who's here visiting in Ithaca

You don't need to go back to Boston. What does Boston have that Ithaca doesn't have? Huh?

Ruth in town!

Ruth, our niece/cousin/Mama's helper extraordinaire, is in town for a visit. We've all been having a great, busy time, trying to pack in as much Ithaca fun as possible. All three kids fight for Ruth's attention, but she's managed to make them all feel special. Thanks for coming, Ruth!!