Friday, September 25, 2009

for the die hard fans

Mom, that's you! Here is a video of Sam's kindergarten class performing "Tony Chestnut" (that's Toe-Knee-Chest-Nut) for the whole school this morning. He's the tall kid on the left wearing a striped polo shirt.


StinkyLulu said...

Thanks for the "Toe Knee Chest" explication, else I might have been totally lost... EXCELLENT.

hkobeal said...

My little ones love to do that song! Hats off to the teachers who did it with them repeatedly . . .

Hazembullers said...

Those guys are too funny! Glad you caught it on tape :).
It's so nice to reconnect with you Christine. You seem to have a super fun family.
Did you know that your little bro and I were in the Foreign Language Housing together? Well, he was in the Japanese house and I was in the Portuguese one but we were in the same ward.
My wife Amberly and I also have a blog: May be you can check it out some day.
Rafa & Co.