Saturday, January 17, 2009

what would you do for two pink M&Ms?

That is a highly motivating treat for some people, I can tell you. I'm breaking all the rules--it's the middle of winter, I'm due to have a new baby in a couple of weeks--but what was I going to do? Not even try to potty-train? Abe is definitely on board. We'll see how far we get before the baby comes and regression sets in.


sangban said...

Wow! It's the on board thing that's great. Noah wasn't on board so I just waited til it was his idea (pretty much the only way to deal with Noah.)

Christine said...

It has to do with having a big brother and being almost a big brother himself, I think. He's into the idea of being a big kid (sometimes). Anyway, this morning I was out all morning and Aaron reported that he peed 5 times on the potty (sometimes just a trickle, but hey). That's a lot of pink m&ms!

Sarah said...

Maybe he just wants to enjoy that beautiful new bathroom that you have.

Christine said...

Oh, he's not allowed to use the toilet in there. Maybe in another year or so :-)