Behold Abe, the king of winter, upon his icy throne. Every year Ithaca has a display of ice sculptures on the Commons, and often the weather doesn't quite cooperate--things start melting instantly or it's too cold to even walk around and look at them. This was a good day, and the throne was intact, but some of the other sculptures, including the ice slide, had melted a bit too much for our tastes (and safety standards).
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Behold Abe, the king of winter, upon his icy throne. Every year Ithaca has a display of ice sculptures on the Commons, and often the weather doesn't quite cooperate--things start melting instantly or it's too cold to even walk around and look at them. This was a good day, and the throne was intact, but some of the other sculptures, including the ice slide, had melted a bit too much for our tastes (and safety standards).
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