Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June olympics

Abe finished his gymnastics session on Saturday and got a medal for his trouble. You can see that he's a proficient galloper now. Even though Abe is quite tentative in his physical activity (actually, no daredevils so far in this house), he LOVES gymnastics, and so I keep signing him up.

Monday, June 22, 2009

a whole new world

Oscar gets more active by the day. He can now roll from back to stomach and stomach to back, and just today he discovered the pleasures of the exer-saucer. Sadly, nighttime sleep has gotten worse, I guess because he's so excited about his daytime tricks.

Friday, June 19, 2009

last day

Today was Sam's last day of preschool. And even though he's super ready for kindergarten, I'm having some feelings about it. Doesn't he look like a big kid?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

four months later

Oscar had his four month appointment today and received a clean bill of health. 75% for length and head circumference, 85% for weight. Current hobbies he enjoys are rolling over from back to front, sucking on his toes, and watching his big and big big brothers do anything.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

fake camping

We had a fake camping party in our backyard. I feel bad that we've never taken our kids on a real camp out, but I always seem to come up with some excuse (this year it's a new baby, although who knows? we might actually do it this year). So we (and some friends and neighbors) settled for s'mores on the grill and a tent on the lawn. When I told Sam he could only have one s'more, he said, "But mom, that doesn't even make sense. They're called s'mores because you're supposed to have more." Fair point, but he felt sort of sick after one, so we didn't have to argue about it again.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Abe had a turn too! (with Dad's help)

third time's a charm

Aaron has been taking Sam (and Abe usually tags along) to tee-ball two evenings a week. Last night I went for the first time to take a few movies. It was fun to see my boys out there, but I don't know about this 6:15-7:15 schedule. I don't think we'll mind when it ends this week.

my blooming garden

So we've got some perennials (please notice the weeds in the background) and a few vegetables in the boxes (tomatoes, winter squash, and broccoli). My favorites are the poppies. The plants look like weeds, and then one day huge, papery flowers burst out of alien pods. And they keep coming back. That's also a plus.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

my three-year old teenager

Abe at breakfast:

Mom, you were like, does anyone want maple syrup, and I was like, yeah, mom, *I* do.

And the worst part of this story:


Saturday, June 6, 2009

moving right along

We are slowly but surely getting Sam and Abe's new room ready. First we painted it "healing waters" with "delightful daffodil" trim. Then Aaron assembled the previously-mentioned bunk beds. Then Sam pretended to sleep in the top bunk. More furniture moving will be next, as well as removing that junk from the delightful daffodil shelves, but we're getting there.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

daily workout

Oscar tries and tries and tries to roll over, but it's just not happening yet. At least it doesn't keep him from smiling.