Friday, May 29, 2009

close up

Sam and I tried and tried to get Oscar to smile at the computer for a photo, but this was the best we could do. His hair is thinning, but we have faith that it'll grow back someday.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

snip snip

Before and After. I liked the shags, but I was honestly starting to forget what Abe looked like. And that hair will grow back in no time.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

only in Ithaca

This plucky squirrel stole tofu from my neighbor's back porch, then brought it to his tree home in front of our house to nibble it in peace. Ugh (the squirrel, not the tofu).

Monday, May 18, 2009

moving the bunk beds

We just bought bunk beds for Sam and Abe on Craiglist. They are now a pile of boards and drawers in the soon-to-be bedroom. Still have to paint, assemble, move furniture, etc. But you can see that Sam and Abe (and helpful friends) are excited. Dance party in Sarah's trailer!!

by popular request

today's lunch

Thursday, May 7, 2009

King Louie

Yesterday in the backyard.

Abe: Mom, can you help me get up into the tree?

Me: OK, but it would be easier if you put your banana down first.

Abe: But that's what monkeys do, mom. They eat bananas in trees.

Me: All right then.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

cleaning out the freezer

In order to make room for the stuff we're going to pick and freeze this summer, we have to get rid of the stuff we picked last summer. Peach blueberry pie! I made an extra one for Rebecca since she made us a key lime pie last week. By the way, Rebecca is moving away, and we need a new babysitter. The right person could get a pie.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

sleeping in

8:30 AM, Saturday morning. Except that when I opened Abe and Sam's bedroom door, Abe woke up. I instructed him to close his eyes and pretend he was still asleep. I guess you can probably tell. Now it's 8:53, and I have to go give everybody breakfast.