We got a new computer with photo booth. I know, I know, you've had photo booth for five years, but this is new for me, and it's fun! Oscar thought so too.
My mom left yesterday after being here for two weeks to visit and help. We had a great time! Come back soon! She made Sam and Abe their own blankets to go with the one my dad made Aaron a few years ago, so we could all try to stay warm.
Abe turned 3 on Valentine's Day, and we had a rocking party to celebrate. OK, we had a party, complete with his favorite dinner (macaroni and cheese and peas) and decorate-your-own cupcakes. He got a play kitchen (favorite meal so far: carrot and mushroom soup) and then some complementary items (but my camera died before I could get a photo of the play stir fry kit--thanks Rebecca). Three at last!
By the way, even though it's below freezing outside, and sometimes not that much warmer inside, Abe refuses to wear pants inside ever since we started potty training. In case you thought we were abusing him...
to the person/people who anonymously sent a Wilco onesie to Oscar. It arrived in the mail today, and he loves it already (though it won't fit for a little while).
Last week in a fit of false labor, I packed my camera and charger in my hospital bag. Now I'm overdue, and I've decided that if I take anything out of the bag, I'll never have the baby. So no photos. Although maybe I should be taking things out of the bag and then I will go into labor, and I'll end up at the hospital with no socks or lotion. We'll see. I might give in in a few more days. My parents are now here and I feel bad not capturing cute grandparenty moments.